April 29, 2010
Alden's Garden

Fixtures are in!

April 18, 2010
2nd bathroom 2
I worked on the bathroom most of the day. The shower stall will have two full walls and a knee-wall with a piece of glass or plexi for the top half.
Doing mediocre tile setting is always rough on my psyche. It's tough after a long break from it; my skills are off. Not that it is coming out bad, it could just be better. The biggest problem comes from a house that is not level or square... Yeah, I'll blame the house.
The trim around the shower will be maple, stained to look like the cherry wood from the vanity. It's really hard to find cherry wood in Maine.
The tile is from Korea and has a glaze that makes each tile unique. I really like that. Most of the tile you find at Home Depot or Lowes is screen printed these days. SCREEN PRINTED to look like a glaze that was trying to look like stone. Ridiculous.
Alden played shopping today with Ilana and the stuffed animals... They bought tile, a shower, a sink, blue tile... and then a pig, cat and alligator, all Alden's idea.

April 17, 2010
The Alden Sleeping Game
This is the night-night game that Alden loved to play with Jessie. It's usually played on or around a couch, but it can also be performed with a blanket on the floor, a beanbag chair, or a pile of laundry. The 'that's cold, very heavy' box of tile in the middle of the living room is optional for this game. It is more essential for the bathroom renovation taking place. The song Alden starts to sing at around 25s is Going to Marrakesh by the Extra Glenns, a truly fantastic song, but not one that I'd really classify as a traditional lullaby. Then again, when has Alden ever been traditional? He strongly associates this song with night-night, so it is sung even during play sleep. I like to think that somewhere out there, John Darnielle smiles with satisfaction whenever our little toddler sings it to himself as he drifts to sleep.
April 16, 2010
Gardening again!

We have been having some seesaw weather lately, which I guess is what April is like in Maine. There have been some really beautiful and warm days in late March and early April that have let us get out and work the soil.

Ilana should do a big garden post soon. She sent soil samples away again for tests and has made several gardening charts and schedules. I sure she will share them.
Update: Woke up at 6:30 to see this out the window. We rushed outside to brush the snow off our poor little seedlings and cover them with some garden fabric. Hopefully it's not too late...
It was 80 degrees 2 weeks ago. This has got to be one of the weirdest springs I can remember.
April 12, 2010
New Passover Song
Dianu is so passe. This year the hot new song was I've Been Working on the Railroad in three part harmony. The song was introduced as a stop gap measure to keep Alden from melting down in mid-seder. It worked beautifully, so long as we kept singing it over and over to the exclusion of the rest of seder. My favorite part of this video is my grandfather eating his dinner, completely unaware of what's going on. That and the gargantuan nose picking by my son at the end of the video. I'm so glad I'm able to share that tender moment with everyone.
Passover 2010

The obstacle course was really interesting. The stations looked like the sort of trust-building exercises you used to do at summer camp. In the center was an enormous tree house with a spiral staircase and a very steep homemade slide made out of several intact oil barrels soldered together. From a distance it looked like it might have been fun, but up close it was way too steep and the barrels were too small. Someone had even nailed a plank across the lower third of the barrel opening at the bottom. I don't know what purpose this plank could serve other than breaking legs or feet. I imagined this slide not as a station where friendship or trust is built, but rather where punishment is meted out on the nerdiest students by the school thugs while the counselor's back was turned. It looked brutal. Pity I didn't take any pictures of it.

It was great fun to be with everyone this year. Passover is such an awesome family event and a nice tradition. Next year in Rockville!
April 10, 2010
2nd bathroom
The long road to our second bathroom continues. It began last fall when I spent a couple weeks knocking a hole in our granite foundation. This, I thought would be the easiest way to connect to the main drain and water source. It may have been the easiest way, but doing it wasn't easy. Drilling stone with a hammer drill takes a lot of time and the angle it was at (near the ceiling of the basement) made it awkward.
The area we are building the bathroom we refer to as the Mud Room, because despite being part of the house, it is not unlike a porch where you take off your dirty boots and whatnot. There is no heat to this part of the house and the ceilings are kind of low. When we bought the house the washer and dryer were in this room, along with a 1953 horizontal meat freezer. We got rid of the freezer and moved the washer/ dryer to the basement.
I started framing the bathroom a couple moths ago, which meant ripping up the linoleum floor, tearing out the ceiling and reinforcing underneath. Another reason this room was not frequently used (besides the no-heat thing) was that the floor was flexy. Part of the bathroom build included building some support walls in the basement and making the bathroom walls support the floor of the unfinished room above (another future project).
Then came the wiring for the bathroom and the hallways on both sides... and the room above, heck why not. Wiring wasn't too bad, although I did it in two stages about three weeks apart. When I started the second stage there were a few things I discovered and thought, "who was the moron (me) who did this... what were they thinking?" It's all working properly now, which is the important thing.
After the room was framed and wired in came the sheet-rock for inside the room and the backer-board for the floor. Then drains and the water pipes. Right through the hole that was made two seasons ago!
I thought about putting a bath in, but with the size (5x7) there wasn't enough room. The bathroom will have a shower, a sink and a toilet.
The shower and toilet will be divided by a knee-wall that will be tile on the bottom and a piece of hanging glass on the top. I am hoping the glass will make the small space seem bigger, brighter, etc.
I am near the point where I will start seeing big changes any day now. The floor and walls are ready for tile or paint. I still need to put up the ceiling, but I have the materials and the venting is run. I am looking forward to a bathroom downstairs, as is Ilana and Alden. Every time we pass the construction Alden points and says, " Daddy making shower, sink and potty" . I love that.

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