Oh, the tar! The tar!! It was everywhere. I guess this is our third, (and by Kerstin's estimation), final nasty surprise in our new house. For some completely unexplainable reason, the previous owners decided to tar the linoleum to the wood floors in the dining room, while they simply papered over the rest of the rooms. Why they did this, we'll never know. Kerstin has been heard muttering a few choice curse words over the past few days which, I can only assume, were aimed at Herb's ghost. Kerstin and Burris have done nothing but scrub, strip, sand, and attack the floor with various chemicals all week to try to get it all off the floor. In the end, Safest Stripper by 3M was proclaimed the best product for tar removal on the market. Burris and Kerstin can say this with confidence since they tried EVERY possible method. Man, it really stank in there. I don't know if it was the stripper or the tar itself, but it had this really nasty burnt chemical smell that I could only tolerate with a facemask. So I've been staying away from the house while this procedure is going on. The tar is now mostly gone (pictures coming soon) and all the floors have been sanded, re-stained and sealed. It's looking a whole lot better now. We're hoping this is the last of the nasty surprises.... They're starting to really bring us down.

1 comment:
So I guess the cool newsprint floor was sanded away. Pity.
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