August 11, 2013

Alden Super Hero 'Trashcan'

This is Alden as a superhero. He says his superhero name is "Trashcan"... due to the proximity of a trashcan when he was coming up with his super hero name. He has a net on his head that "shoots metal parts from the handle", goggles, a flashlight, and as of last week a cape he made at school.

Alden is grappling with good-guy/ bad-guy dynamics.When playing with toys Alden usually tries to steer the narrative to have the bad guys and good guys be in conflict. I created a new group of middle-guys to try and mellow things out, but the bad guys and good guys just teamed up against the middle guys. You just can't win.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Hobson said...

It must be a Hobson naming convention. Ada was almost named "teapot" for the same reason!