July 21, 2010

July Potpourri

Ben, Alex and Ilana's Dad came to visit us last week. Ben and Alex were on the East Coast for a wedding in Jersey, and made the trek up to Maine and New Hampshire for a few days afterward. Alden made sure everyone got high fives. We spent the afternoon at a local organic farm and chased chickens and ducks, then raided the garden for basil, and finally had a lovely lobster dinner, since Alex had never eaten it before.
In other news, we are riding the potty train, (as they say at Daycare), and although this train doesn't stop as frequently as we'd all like, we're making good progress. If stripped and plunked down in front of his potty, Alden will pee dutifully, especially if there are Goldfish to be had. Otherwise, he's somewhat oblivious of his bodily functions. We've been trying to help him become more aware by letting him run around naked as much as possible. Outside naked time is limited because the summer sun cooks his tender little behind in a matter of minutes. Surprisingly, Alden doesn't like to pee in the grass or bushes when we do indulge him in outside naked time. He goes right for the kiddy pool. We all enjoy a good naked tractor ride now and then.

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