September 26, 2009

Autumn Harvest

I made a little leaf pile for Alden today and let him explore. He was surprisingly relaxed about plunging right into it, especially considering how sensitive he is to strange textures. Crunchy leaves are clearly much better than wet sand.

The garden is starting to wind down. We had our first frost last night and spent a cold half an hour in the dark after Alden went to bed putting the tarp over our cold tolerant plants and harvesting the tender annuals like basil and peppers. The leeks, carrots, Brussels sprouts, kale, chard and artichokes need mulching to keep them alive for the winter, hence my new found enthusiasm for raking.
My Dad visited us last weekend and took Alden to the apple orchard. He got to ride a tractor, which was the main attraction as far as he was concerned. When they got back from their afternoon adventure, Alden modeled our vegetables for Bapu. He gets really wound up when brandishing a leek, which he calls grass. He still loves to run around in the garden and pick sun gold cherry tomatoes. Now that they've seen frost and have blacked and become thin-skinned and limp, we won't let Alden pick any more. How frustrating!

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