April 15, 2009


Passover in Maryland was pretty mellow this year. Both Ilana and I were a burned out from work and Alden got sick with a fever that came and went during the week, so we didn't feel like venturing out to neighboring DC or Baltimore or any other surrounding areas of interest. Instead we relaxed at Rob and Kay's house and occasionally took a stroll to the end of the block where there was a park with some playground equipment. 
This was Alden's first playground experience. Alden did not take to the swing at all. I am not sure if it was because he was feeling sick or he didn't like the seat, or what. Cousin Jessie put Charlie the dog in the swing next to Alden, which piqued Alden's interest  a little, but it was still pretty much a wash out. 
Alden LOVED the slide however and would squeal with delight on the way down, then climbed back up. There were four plastic slides on the playground and Alden tried them all. The short slide with the curve was his favorite. Plastic slides build up incredible amounts of static and we were constantly shocking each other while playing. 
Passover Seder was delicious as usual. Alden especially liked the vegetarian pea soup, matzo balls from the Matzo-ball soup, the egg from the Seder plate, and spinach and egg kugel.
The yarmulke did not stay on Alden's head for long. He was a delight for most of the meal, and quite the cute distraction. He made all his animal sounds during the responsive readings. He picked apart the matzo ball and mashed it into the table cloth with the heel of his hand. When he started to get fussy, we would give him a paper napkin to shred, which he did with great gusto. When we sang songs, he would stop whatever he was doing to listen and watch everyone. If there ever was a more entertaining seder, I certainly can't remember it.
It was very nice to see everyone, especially Grandpa Herb. He and Alden seemed to get along quite well. 

Aaron shows Alden around the yard in the wheelbarrow.

Jessie was the only family member to be given a new nickname during this trip. "Dwice" was what Alden called her. Cousin Dwice has a nice ring to it, I think.
As is the tradition in Ilana's family, the 'kids' did a stair picture after the seder. Alden was already in bed at this point so he missed out on all the fun. 

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