September 8, 2008

Joshua, Cheyenne and Ronin Return

Our guests have returned from their excursion to Acadia and the Midcoast region. It's great to have them back and we've been having a great time playing outside. Luckily the weather was wonderful over the weekend, so we hung out in the backyard. Hanging out in the backyard these days involves playing fetch with the new neighbor's dog, Comet and a partially digested tennis ball. That dog will chase a ball for weeks, given half a chance. All adults got bored pretty quickly, although Alden and Ronin thought fetch was pretty darn cool. The dog will drop the ball by your feet and will STARE expectantly until you reach for the ball, despite many an "All done, Comet", and eventually, "Piss off, Comet". It's pretty unsettling, after a while. When we could no longer stand the canine gaze, we had to retreat to the house. Who knew a silly dog could hold such power?
We also hosted our first baby play group, when the Burnes' came over for an afternoon. All babies were kinda interested in each other, and much more interested the toy that the other baby was playing with. Clearly, we all have to work on our sharing lessons.

Joshua stands watch over the women and children.


kgilg said...

my spoon is too SPOON is too big.....

kgilg said...

and this isnt kurt