Alden has been on a 3-week sleep strike. It started innocently enough - just a few bad nights here and there. This change in sleeping habits coincided with the arrival of our guests, so we figured he was just out of sorts because his routine had been broken. But now that the house is back to normal, he still refuses to sleep the way he did at 4 months, when he had the 6-hour snooze down pat.... How I long for those days.... Now he rouses (crankily) every 1.5 to 2 hours at night. Both my mom and Kerstin's mom told us that once we started solids, he'd sleep a lot longer. I was skeptical because my beloved Dr. Sears said this hypothesis had been debunked by controlled studies. Both Grandmothers insisted that, based on their experience, he'd sleep so much better with a belly full of rice cereal. So we've been feeding him his solid meal faithfully before bed.

Sadly, the sleeping situation has gotten much worse. Alden is probably uncomfortable from teething (even though we still haven't seen anything come through yet. I'm starting to suspect that this "teething" thing is a convenient excuse to justify general crabbiness). Still, I'm sure the teething, if that's what it really is, isn't helping things. But it does seem that solid food actually exacerbates the problem. Even naptime isn't the same. Today, he fell fast asleep around noon....

I came back to check on him a mere 3 seconds later and he was wide awake. In that time, he'd also kicked off his blankets, and wiggled to the far end of the crib.

If anyone has any suggestions for getting a baby to stay asleep for at least 3 hours at a time, I'm anxious to here from you. Kerstin will be spending the night in Bar Harbor for work tomorrow, (lucky him, he'll get some sleep for a change!) but I'm dreading the night alone with Alden - especially since I have to go to work early on Wednesday. Any suggestions? Anyone??
My mom says *exactly* the same thing: "Oh, once she starts eating solids I bet she'll be sleeping through the night." (Knowing "you'll see" tone in her voice...) Yet I've read the same thing you have--that there is no scientific evidence to prop up this theory. Ronin just started solids, though the amount she actually ingests is minimal, and her sleep has lately gone to hell too. Nap strikes as well--I mean, she'll have days with 30 minutes of nap TOTAL (she takes 3-4 naps per day).
My crackpot theory: solids are weird and the gut is unused to such things--maybe it causes them to feel 'off' and sleep fitfully. Maybe there is uncomfortable gas at first until the gut is more mature? I don't know but I feel your pain.
Theory #2: it is a phase. Six month growth spurt maybe? I'm holding out for this one. Ayy good luck to you...
Theory #3: she is shifting her nap schedule. Maturing. (OH HAHAHAHAHA I crack myself up sometimes.. ha ho hee. cough cough. ahem.) But maybe the transition from 4 naps/day to 3 naps/day is a really tough one. Just a theory.
Hi Cheyenne,
It's the great grandmother conspiracy, I think. I know what you mean about the not napping. Alden took 3 naps today, all of them only 10-15 minutes long. I can't get the little guy to sleep any longer unless I take him for a long walk in the stroller. So guess where we're headed right now?...
I like theory #1. I think it does take a while to get used to this solid stuff. Even though Alden likes it so far, it sure has done a number on his bowels....
Thanks for the advice. Best of luck to you as well. I hope your little one learns to sleep longer again soon. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!
You can do as Dad did for all Child-rearing matters....Whiskey. They'll sleep like sailors.
Can I just say that since posting the first comment, Ronin's sleep habits have gone DRASTICALLY downhill--and they sucked lately to begin with. I've been reduced to sobs nearly every day since due to sleep deprivation and frustration. I hope to god this is a phase.
We're trying to get her to 1) not need a swaddle, 2) be able to fall asleep without incessant bouncing on the red ball, 3) um nap maybe? for more than 10 freaking minutes? 4) STAY asleep. It's all messed up and I'm thinking swaddling at seven months is not so bad after all. ARGH.
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