Someone passed his half-a-year milestone recently, and so, we begin the retrospectives. It's simultaneously felt like the longest and the shortest six months of my life. (I know this makes no sense, but time exhibits very strange properties when one is sleep-deprived. Those of you without kids will just have to trust me on this one). Alden continues to astound us with his skills. He rolls over quite a lot now, especially in the crib, where he will migrate from one end to the other just by rolling and wiggling. He's completely lifting up his head during tummy time (which he also, coincidentally, doesn't seem to mind as much these days). He is happiest when he's on his own two feet and has started to try taking steps. He's also gotten pretty crabby lately and has stopped sleeping through the night, possibly due to teething.

At the recommendation of his pediatrician, we started him on some real solid foods last week (i.e. straight up, no milk). She suggested we try avocado first, since it's high in fat and has the right consistency. He was a little suspicious at first, but decided that he really liked it after a couple of bites. So far, no sign of allergies, so I think we've made it through the first food trial. Phew... He looks forward to his avocado spoon every evening and now wants to get his grubby little hands on ANYTHING that we're eating. Next week, we'll try bananas and sweet potatoes!

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