June 15, 2008

Solids and poop

A reallllly long video of Alden Eating

We started Alden on solid food this week (a 1 to 1 ratio of rice cereal and breast milk, not really a solid in the technical sense… a colloid perhaps?). He seemed to know what to do, he just had some problems figuring out how to do it. This was his second solid meal, the first had a soupier consistency that got all over the place. I am very excited about the silicone spoon we use to feed the little fella. It was expensive as far as spoons go, but I feel better about using it because he chomps on it pretty hard. Plus, the flat front is handy for scraping food off his face. I highly recommend them. The instructions for the spoon (no joke) were in Japanese, and they said we could cut the spoon to perfectly fit Alden’s mouth. We have not been that ambitious yet.
The upside to starting solids is in the input. It means that Ilana no longer needs to be tethered to the little lad during the day. Going to the store/gym/bank without worry of depleting the precious milk supply is great. The downside is, of course, the output. Breast fed babies' excretions are the color and consistency of butternut squash soup and smell like buttermilk 5 days past it's expiration date. Alden's newest poops are still pretty liquid and sticky, but are darker now and much more... fragrant. Like a port-o-potty sitting out in an open field all summer. It makes the diaper change a lot nastier.

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