Much to my chagrin, Kerstin decided to introduce our son to Battlestar Galactica. Yes,
that cheesy Star Wars rip-off from the 70s. How he found
all the episodes online is beyond me, but what was really troublesome was how much Alden was into the show. Terrifying...

Kerstin has been working hard on the attic this weekend, and finally finished it. We've also done a little gardening and lawn mowing. When I say "we", I really mean that Kerstin did it while I watched longingly from the couch, struggling to fill Alden's cavernous stomach. Let's just say I've been less than helpful around the house these days. I'm back to religiously popping fenugreek and blessed thistle pills, but so far, no sign of an increase in milk.

Alden is having more fun playing with toys too. This ball with the tags is one of his faves.
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