My mother came out from California for a few weeks to help out around the house and see the new baby. It was a great help to have her here and the timing of her arrival was just as Joseph and Sandy were leaving.
We tried to give mom as much time as we could with Elliott, however that was difficult to do since he needs his sleep and needs his food. His dance card is pretty well filled with mommy time, so my mom helped by taking Alden on some trips, which took pressure off Kerstin and me. They went swimming a couple times and various lakes and the ocean.
They also went to the aquarium, the botanical gardens, the Portland Children's Museum, the Children's Museum in Augusta, on shopping trips, to the airport, LL Bean, the Gardiner park/playground, and also played games at the house, read stories and watched movies.
My mom introduced Alden to Wallace and Gromit which is his newest most favorite thing in the world.
She was also a super helper around the house, picking up the slack that a new baby creates. She was also, of course, really keen on Elliott and it was great to see them together.