After doing lots of little finishing projects, we've finally settled into our little home. Kerstin made this wonderful little island in our kitchen which really classes up the place and gives us much needed countertop space. The bathroom still needs a bit of work (shower doors and a heater), but other than that, everything else that we set out to finish this year is finished. Now we're switching gears from getting house done to getting ready for baby. I'm pretty enormous at this point and things are pretty uncomfortable now. Sleeping sucks, for example. Lots of aches and pains in the hips and lower back. And bending over... only a faint memory now. I for one am looking forward to getting my body back and meeting the little fellow that now fills every square inch of it. There have nonetheless been several requests out there to see photos of my belly, so I'm including a final picture of me to placate the masses.
I have intentionally cut off my head in this photo because there really is nothing nice to look at above the shoulders. That whole "beautiful glow" of pregnancy that everyone talks about is a crock. I am puffy, red, and full of acne. It's pretty frightening. I hope that I'll return to my former self once the baby arrives. Until then, no face shots!